ACTS Collaborates Abroad
Dr. George Tadros with SPIMS students in November 2018
As part of the global outreach for St. Athanasius and St. Cyril Theological School (ACTS), HG Bishop Kyrillos met with the newly formed St. Paul Institute for Ministry Studies (SPIMS) in Cairo, Egypt and their leadership including the very Reverend Fr. Daoud Lamie. St. Paul Institute has been formed to offer quality level English theological training and education for servants in Egypt who are committed to worldwide evangelism and mission. The Institute had been offering servant-certificate level training for hundreds of servants, however there was a desire to further advance the training and education for their leadership and candidates for ordination.
Through a new initiative and collaboration between ACTS and SPIMS, a cohort of 5 students from St. Paul Institute enrolled in ACTS as students in the MTS program. This cohort is a seed for future educational leadership within SPIMS for their ministry in Egypt and Worldwide. The 5 students enrolled in 3 full-time classes as part of their first semester in ACTS including Introduction to Research & Writing, Patristics, and Introduction to Old Testament.
His Grace Bishop Kyrillos with the Egypt Cohort in November 2018
In order to enhance the level of interaction and education for this international cohort, ACTS faculty arranged for several sessions of teaching for the students as well as others in SPIMS during visits to Egypt. In November 2018, HG. Bishop Kyrillos presented a seminar on St. Cyril of Alexandria and Dr. George Tadros conducted a 2-day symposium on the Old Testament Prophets. During these meetings in Cairo, it became clear that there is a need for high quality English theological education within the Coptic Church worldwide. By God’s Grace, there are plans for more teaching sessions in 2019 that would involve more faculty from ACTS.